Entry 24: Tensi Tak Tentu Pasal

I bought the wrong coloured mascara today!!!

I’ve been wanting to buy a mascara for agesss since mine had dried up. I’ve been picking up and putting down all kinds of mascaras every time I go out since a month ago (konon nya nak budget, kat rumah mana pakai mascara, tak payah la beli dulu kan, survey2 je…) Then finally today I brought one to the counter and paid for it only to discover later, when I was excitedly tearing the packaging open (I get excited opening new stuff) that it was BROWN!!! HUWAAA!!!

I didn’t read the label at the bottom of the bottle. I simply picked one up and paid for it, completely forgetting that mascaras come in other colours beside black. And it was bloody 25 ringgit! (Owh tidakkkk, di kala krisis kewangan ini! Tidakkk!!!) And I can’t even wear it for my date tomorrow!!! HUWAAA!!!




Mascara jahat!!!

~ by shikuzika on December 20, 2008.

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